Your One Stop Shop For Management & Technical Solutions.

A Brief Background

EB Consults Ltd is a business management firm located in London, United Kingdom. The company is incorporated under the laws of England and Wales in the UK and under the laws of Nigeria. We offer marketing solutions, IT Networking solutions, data analytics and management, and general consultancy services to clients across the globe. We have over 20 years experience in marketing, B2B relationship management and consultancy, procurement services, commercial property transactions and introducers for investment and project finance activities.

Our Products and Services

For Organisations

We work with small and medium sized companies and non profit organisations to conceptualise and develop bespoke websites to house their innovations.

We work with them to solve problems within their ranks and develop strategies to keep workforce loyal and committed to the aims and objectives of the organisations.

We help set up new ventures, and help expand existing ones where required.

We assist in procurement at all levels. We provide support for commercial property sales and acquisition transactions.

For Individuals

We help individuals set up their businesses locally and internationally in accordance with their wishes.

We help them present complex ideas using highly responsive websites accessible on all platforms.

We help individuals answer eveyday legal enquiries relating to company and non-profit registrations in Nigeria, UK and Germany.

For our HNI clients we also do packaged tours of large scale corporations and firms across the globe.

For All Clients

We help individuals and organisations seeking to formulate and put down its ethos, rules, regulations, and guidelines to frame their thoughts appropriately.

We put together a team to formulate and draft documents within the laws of the regions they are located in the UK and Nigeria. We help with negotiating agreements and arbitrating disputes away from the courts.

We help with introductions to investors for clients who are involved with infrastructure projects in developing countries. We support clients in setting up and organising legal entities needed to accomplish such projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America and we help with processing tender documents and executing procurement contracts. We also connect clients with commercial real estate development projects in Europe and Africa.

For Our Expanding Corporate Clients

We evaluate and help foster relationships between company leadership and employees and staff, bridging any gaps and offering lasting solutions to ensure loyalty and commitment to the ethos, aims and objectives of the organisations.

We offer options to improve on existing website presence and representation and where necessary offer completely new website solutions to replace existing ones.

We offer networking solutions to connect client's workforce across all regions and localities depending on the size and spread of the organisation.